• Newsletters



    Kindergarten - 8th Grade
    Registration for new students in Springdale Elementary / Middle School (Kindergarten through 8th Grade) will begin TUESDAY, August 14th in the Elementary / Middle School office. Returning students do not need to re-register.


    Historically, Mary Walker School District produced 3 - 5 hardcopy newsletters per school year, usually near the end of each quarter, with an additional Back to School edition in August and mailed them out to surrounding communities.  In our efforts to reach larger audiences and be good stewards of your tax dollars by keeping a close eye on our budget's bottom line, we surveyed the community for their input regarding digital vs. hardcopy preferences - digital won!  If you would like to receive a printed copy - and haven't already done so - please contact the District Office at 509-258-4534.
    To view past newsletters, please select Archived Newsletters from the menu on your left.


Last Modified on August 7, 2018